Alien Squad is derived from Aliens, with renowned artists utilising and matching a unique algorithm and original art, creating 10000 NFTs that are different and highly distinguishable. Alien Squad is separated into categories through different accessories, hats, bodies and background, with varying rarities. In addition to its artistic and Gamefi value, Alien Squad will also have a strong use value in the Web3 space.
Owner | Nftventurespace |
Artist | Alien_squad |
Category | Trading Cards |
Size | 500X500 |
Format | Jpeg, Png |
Contract Address | 0x96c47621C89c2B5F600aD66a698B2E32Bf44a1eE Visit Blockchain |
Token ID | 475100000004 |
Blockchain | Binance Smart Chain (BSC) |
Current Price
Last Sold Date
(Trading Cards)